Lockport township high school agreement
Lockport township high school agreement

lockport township high school agreement

I take the time to talk to the seller to find out the important things about their unique property because these are the things that SELL a home! I will start a marketing plan with MLS listing, print media, internet listings, Open Houses, Just Listed Cards and Property Flyers and Social Media.

lockport township high school agreement

This is also a great way to get to know the selling price of a specific neighborhood. With this information, you can be sure to get the brand new listings and also be the 1st to know about price changes for the homes you are interested in or "watching". I can get you up-to-date listings for your requirements emailed to you everyday, so you can stay on top of today's every changing market. I am available to answer all your questions along the way, you are my top priority. I will be with you from the home search, assist you in finding the right mortgage lender, handle contract negotiations, the inspection process, final walk-through, and finally at the closing. If you are looking for the perfect 1st Home, or looking to Up or Down-size, we will take the time you need to find the right home for you and your family, the perfect home for your needs. I love the satisfaction of helping others, and I look forward to making new friendships along the way. I have had a few clients throughout my time as an agent where I have helped them to sell unneeded furniture. I also love helping others, whether it is through Senior Services of Will County where I deliver meals to the elderly, or just helping friends, family or clients in any way that I can. I love on an acre of land where I tend to chickens and my numerous gardens, where I then love to can and come up with new goodies to make from my garden. I am a very active person and do not bode well just sitting around. I love working out, golfing, playing tennis, and spending time with my family. I currently am a CrossFitter at the local Crossfit gym where I attend with my husband almost on a daily basis. So to say the least we are a very active family. Both my boys since their youth have been involved in Baseball, Football and Wrestling within this area and schools. Both have moved onto college, one at Illinois State University and the other at Northern Colorado. I have raised 2 boys in this area, and both have been through the Homer Glen School district and then graduated from Lockport Township High School. I now reside in Homer Glen, and am loving every minute of it. I have lived in Will County since 1997 and before that I was in Tinley Park.

Lockport township high school agreement